b <- beautify()
examples <- list(
function() { append(1:5, 0:1, after = 3) }
ic <- InputContext(NULL, 'append')
pc <- ProcessingContext(
extraneous_l = list(
title = 'Vector Merging',
description = sentensize('add elements to a vector'),
details = paste('If the parameter', b$code('after'), 'is higher than' ,
b$code('x'), 'length,\n then insertion is done at the',
'end of the data structure'),
references = paste('Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)',
'The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.'),
examples = convertExamples(examples, captureOutput_b_1n = FALSE)
postProcessing_l = list(
arguments = function(content_s) {
s <- sub('XXX_001', sentensize('the vector the values are to be appended to'),
content_s, fixed = TRUE)
s <- sub('XXX_002', sentensize('to be included in the modified vector'), s, fixed = TRUE)
s <- sub('XXX_003',
'a subscript, after which the values are to be appended',
s, fixed = TRUE)
td <- tempdir()
gc <- GenerationContext(td, overwrite = TRUE)
rv <- produceManualPage(ic, pc, gc)
File /tmp/RtmpN2SR70/append.Rd passes standard documentation checks