--- title: "wyz.code.offensiveProgramming releases" author: "Fabien GELINEAU" date: "last update on 2020-04-19" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: css: style.css number_sections: true toc: false vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{wyz.code.offensiveProgramming releases} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- offensive programming ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "") source('common-style.R') ``` # name [awesome-asterion-omega] package-version [1.1.24] timestamp [2023-09-25 08:27:33] 1. CRAN notes about Rd files requires adaptations 1. Changed `r citefile("retrieveTestCaseDefinitions.rd")` and `r citefile("retrieveFunctionReturnTypes.R")` # name [awesome-asterion-psi] package-version [1.1.23] timestamp [2021-10-05 22:58:54] 1. CRAN 3 notes 1. DESCRIPTION change URL - added an ending / as it seemed required 1. removed lazydata as there is no data folder 1. On :`r citefile("FunctionParameterTypeFactory.R")` conditionned example run. Kept only for unix systems. # name [awesome-asterion-khi] package-version [1.1.22] timestamp [2021-10-05 20:17:45] 1. CRAN information on obsolescence of lubridate - need to remove dependency. 1. lubridate::date() was used in file `r citefile("FunctionParameterTypeFactory.R")`.
FunctionParameterTypeFactory.R:    list('da'  , 'date'         , list(lubridate::is.Date)         , type_classes$date),
FunctionParameterTypeFactory.R:    list('dc'  , 'POSIXct'      , list(lubridate::is.POSIXct)      , type_classes$date),
FunctionParameterTypeFactory.R:    list('dl'  , 'POSIXlt'      , list(lubridate::is.POSIXlt)      , type_classes$date),
1. Test, Duration: `r citefigure('7.7s')`, OK: `r citefigure('450')` 1. `r citeexec('R CMD check')`, Duration: `r citefigure('32.1s')`, 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓ 1. `r citeval('Commercial software release management')` 1. `r citefolder('vignette')` content update 1. `r citeop("git")` alignment # name [awesome-asterion-phi] package-version [1.1.21] timestamp [2020-11-09 19:57:38] 1. enforced R 4.0 1. Test, Duration: `r citefigure('7.3s')`, OK: `r citefigure('450')` 1. `r citeexec('R CMD check')`, Duration: `r citefigure('33.8s')`, 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓ 1. `r citeval('Commercial software release management')` 1. `r citefolder('vignette')` content update 1. `r citeop("git")` alignment # 1. modified implementation `r citefun("matchFunctionArguments")` function to solve aborption issue when called with empty parameter list. 1. modified `r citefun("FunctionParameterTypeFactory")` function. Added cantor real type. Latest release replaces fully older ones, that are now considered obsoletes. Keep the pace, and upgrade your packages to use the latest version! # Release awesome-asterion-tau - 1.1.19 - 2020-05-04 1. Test, Duration: `r citefigure('7.1s')`, OK: `r citefigure('450')` 1. `r citeexec('R CMD check')`, Duration: `r citefigure('33.8s')`, 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓ 1. `r citeval('Commercial software release management')` 1. `r citefolder('vignette')` structure update 1. `r citefolder('vignette')` content update # Release 1.1.18 - awesome-asterion-sigma - 2005-05-04 Main improvements are 1. polished all `r citeit('R')` `r citefile('.Rd')` documentation files 1. R code - `r citefigure(34)` exported functions, `r citefigure(6)` internals 1. manual pages - `r citefigure(36)` files 1. tests - `r citefigure(36)` files 1. vignettes - `r citefigure(1)` files 1. code as data - `r citefigure(39)` files 1. Timing: tests 8s Duration: `r citefigure('7.2s')` for `r citefigure('450')` tests 1. R CMD check results ─ wyz.code.offensiveProgramming 1.1.18 ─ Duration: `r citefigure('37.1s')` - 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓ # Release 1.1.17 Main improvements are 1. removed environment variable `r citecode("OP_TYPE_FACTORY")` management. Replaced by `r citecode("options('op_type_factory')")` 1. removed environment variable `r citecode("OP_AUDIT")` management. Replaced by `r citecode("options('op_audit')")` 1. removed default valued argument `r citecode("functionParameterTypeFactory_o_1 = retrieveFactory()")` from many functions, as it is useless and can be directly accessed/determined by the code. 1. Changed field `r citeop('function_name')` to `r citeop('name')` in `r citefun('packageFunctionsInformation')` for consistency reasons 1. `r citefun('packageFunctionsInformation')` renamed to `r citefun('opInformation')` to avoid name collisions through packages 1. `r citefun('opInformation')` verified and upgraded 1. R code - 34 exported functions, 6 internals 1. manual pages - 36 files 1. tests - 37 files, 450 tests 1. vignettes - 1 file 1. code as data - 39 files 1. Timing: tests 8s, checks 36s # Release 1.1.16 - January 2020 Main improvements are 1. Added methods `r citefun('verifyFunctionArguments')` to simplify input parameter type checks implementation # Release 1.1.15 Main improvements are 1. Added methods `r citefun('identifyOPInstrumentationLevel')`, `r citefun('retrievePackageFunctionNames')` 1. Upgraded `r citefun('packageFunctionsInformation')` 1. Added many new classes in `r citefun('sample-classes.R')` to ease demo and increase reuse 1. Updated vignettes 1. enforce package test coverage higher than 99%. # Release 1.1.14 Main improvements are 1. Added print methods for `r citefun('FunctionParameterName')`, `r citefun('EvaluationMode')` and `r citefun('TestCaseDefinition')` 2. solved issue on `r citefun('FunctionParameterTypeFactory')` when dealing with empty vectors as parameters 3. added new suffixes `r citechar('spi')`, `r citechar('sni')`, `r citechar('spr')`, `r citechar('snr')` 4. removed folders `r citefile('full-instrumetation')`, `r citefile('no-instrumentation')`, `r citefile('tc-defs')`, `r citefile('frt-defs')` from `r citefile('inst/code-samples')` # Release 1.1.10 Main improvements are 1. Added many tests to work with `r citechar('RC')`, `r citechar('S3')`, `r citechar('S4')`, `r citechar('R6')` classes 2. maintained higher code coverage higher than `r citefigure('99%')` # Release 1.1.9 Main improvements are 1. corrected many typographic errors in i/o with end-user 2. completed unit tests 3. enforced higher code coverage from `r citefigure('75%')` up to `r citefigure('99.28%')` 4. changed many functions visibility from hidden `r comment('internal to package')` to visible `r comment('end-user available')`. 5. completed documentation 6. cleaned up package dependencies.